It is funny to post irregularly and go from snow to green in this short physical space! I have entered
Spoonflower's contest again, with my design Everything for the Garden. This was originally designed when I was learning jacquard design at Philadelphia U's Artist Jacquard Project (coordinated by
Bhakti Ziek)in the mid-90s.
My kids were tiny and I incorporated their drawings into the design -- William at the age of 9 was an expert at drawing skeletons, and Rose at 4 made me a many-legged centipede (or caterpillar?). This design was woven in a 2-weft damask weave wit ha wonderful yellow space-dyed thread as ground, on top of basic black & white.
I took the original design drawing and revised it for print for the Spoonflower contest. Not bad!
If you like it please vote for it by scrolling through all the
entries and clicking on mine. Thanks!